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Get Involved

It Takes A Village!

Volunteer Opportunities

We offer a number of volunteer opportunities for all members of the community. 



Students ages 7-17 have the opportunity to learn about our organization and get involved outside of the classroom, and it hopefully makes a lasting difference in the lives of both the students and the people in the community.

Image by Christina @


We love having the opportunity to have members of the community be able to help serve that same community. We provide a chance for adults of all ages to learn and help facilitate the programs and initiatives that we provide to continue to promote change.

Image by Campaign Creators


This is ideal for any organization both large and small. Spend a day out of the office and have an experience of giving not only your time but promoting change in the lives of those who need it most. We'll go over our mission and  start your volunteer activity.

Volunteer with Us
Check which days are you available?

Thanks for applying to volunteer with us! We'll get back to you soon.


We believe in being the difference that we want to make and stand by that. To impact change in the world by showing others through our actions. Get to know us and what we do, and see how you can get involved.


At the KRoussaw Foundation, wellbeing is at the forefront of what we’re working together towards. Our programs and events are designed to be a catalyst that helps community members reach their goals and fulfill their potential.

T: 202.506.3224 



The KRoussaw Foundation

600 Massachusetts Avenue, NW

Washington DC, 20001

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